Yuru Camp 3rd Season Episode #10

Hey everyone, let’s begin this episode with Rin Shima where she continues her solo camping trip. And by the way, Shimarin encountered a bunch of cats.

Expect that those cats are pretty much afraid of her. I guess Shimarin will have to stick to dogs instead.

Meanwhile, here’s Ena Saitou where she’s watching the cherry blossoms together with Chikuwa. I have to say that they’re having a great time to be honest.

Now then, looks like a new character introduced on this episode named Ema Mizunami. Now, she may look like an ordinary girl at first glance, but Ema-chan has something up her sleeve later.

Anyways, Ema encountered Ena Saitou and Chikuwa taking a nap. Of course, while she doesn’t want to disturb their nice nap, Mizunami can’t resist one thing…

And that’s Chikuwa in which Ema found this chihuahua to be a cute dog when sleeping. So much that Ema Mizunami wants to capture this moment. How will she do it?

Well, she’s gonna draw this moment with her smartphone and a tablet. All I can say is that Ema’s drawing is quite decent, although it would best if Mizunami invest in a smart tablet.

Now then, looks like Ena Saitou just woke up where she noticed that Ema Mizunami is drawing on her tablet. Quick Ena, you have to hide your equip-

Oh wait, it’s too late to hide them as Ena-chan found her sketches to be a bit rough on the edges, yet cute at the same time.

With that said, it’s time for Ena Saitou and her pet chihuahua Chikuwa to take their leave.

After Ena-chan and her pet dog leaves the scene, another new character enters named Mei Nakatsugawa where she’s actually Ema’s friend.

Anyways, so while Mei and Ema are having a nice chat, I have a feeling that both girls will become juniors to Nadeshiko Kagamihara and the rest soon.

Speaking of Nadeshiko Kagamihara, I have to say that her time riding the Oigawa Railway’s Ikawa Line has started her appreciation towards trains as of late.

While it’s nice that Nadeshiko is starting to fall in love towards trains, I’m hoping that she won’t become a nuisance to passengers. C’mon, there are train otakus who are very obnoxious and sometimes put themselves into danger.

Meanwhile, it looks like Nadeshiko and her older sister Sakura encountered a familiar face in Yamanashi.

It’s none other than Rin Shima where she just stumbled upon the Kagamihara sisters during her solo camping trip.

I’m not sure what comes after but I have a feeling that Shimarin and Nadeshiko had a little chat, and then go to their separate ways.

Finally, it’s time to move onto Chiaki Oogaki where she’s having her own solo camping trip at Nambu Ide Campsite.

As you can see, she’s making her mocktail and a bracelet using paracord. Speaking of her homemade mocktail, I’m worried that she’s putting too much habanero powder in her concoction.

But here’s Chiaki’s homemade Saratoga Cooler made from lime skin, cinnamon sticks, sliced ginger, and cloves. Also, she added carbonated water to make it sparkling.

In any case, it’s time for Chiaki Oogaki to relax and enjoy her sparkling cup of Saratoga Cooler.

On second thought, it appears that she put too much habanero powder in her mocktail. At least Chiaki is enjoying in her solo camping trip.

But anyways, let’s end this episode where Chiaki Oogaki went to a local hot spring. It’s really nice to see Chiaki having a blast in her solo camping trip!

On second thought, it looks like Chiaki is no longer alone as Aoi Inuyama somewhat appeared out of nowhere. How did she get inside this hot spring is a mystery.

Well everyone, we’re getting closer to the end of Yuru Camp 3rd Season as there’s 2 more episodes to go. As the new school year approaches, I’m eager for some unexpected surprises as I’ll see you next time!

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