Kami wa Game ni Ueteiru. Episodes #03 & #04

Let’s begin with Leoleshea and Fay Theo Philus where the former wanted to tackle Gods’ Games by themselves, but the latter was advised by Chief Secretary Miranda to recruit more people in order to have more chances of winning a game.

So, Fay called Captain Ashlan for help where he’ll gladly lend him a hand when tackling Gods’ Games.

But when Fay Theo Philus brought up Leoleshea, Captain Ashlan ghosted him. Wow, what a rude guy for leaving Fay hanging!

Fortunately, Ashlan has returned as he told Fay that he doesn’t want to join the team because of Leshea. In fact, he recalled a time where a former god crashed into the party.

And Ashlan’s recollection during his encounter with Leoleshea is pretty grim where she beat the shit out of everybody who mocks the games.

I blame their skill issue for being so rowdy, but at least Leshea didn’t kill them. Still, it’s sucks that Ashlan won’t join them.

But this girl might potentially join Leoleshea and Fay Theo Philus, although she’s about to send a letter of retirement before Leshea burned it.

This is Pearl Diamond where she’s planning to leave the Gods’ Games altogether due to a rookie mistake she made.

You see, Pearl Diamond accidentally used her ability to switch places with the team captain when she’s scared of being killed by a monster.

Unfortunately, this game’s objective is to protect the captain from being slain, so basically she blames herself for letting her team down. Of course, it’s not the end of the world as Leshea wants to take Pearl to her team.

Expect that Pearl is deeply-traumatized that she teleported back to her apartment.

It’s amazing that her Arise can be useful in getting out to sticky situations, it’s just that Pearl Diamond doesn’t have the courage to use it to her full potential.

Fortunately, Fay Theo Philus and Leoleshea managed to track Pearl Diamond down to her apartment as they’re gonna convince the Apostle to join the team.

Then again, I think they should knock the door first before entering as Pearl is wearing nothing but her lingerie. By the way, Pearl is pretty stacked compared to Leshea.

And speaking of Leshea, the former god is pretty shocked to see someone having a bigger bust than her. I have to say that it’s better not to talk about Leoleshea’s cup size ’cause she’s triggered by it.

Still, Pearl Diamond quitting Gods’ Games altogether would be a waste so Fay Theo Philus and Miranda convinced her to give another chance.

Speaking of Miranda, she managed to take Pearl into this Gods’ Game where Apostles will take on Uroboros.

And here’s Uroboros where it’s a large dragon, although its head is only shown as the rest of the body is covered in clouds.

By the way, Apostles are currently in freefall so unless they found a place to land, they’ll plunge into the abyss and die.

Fortunately, it appears that landing onto Uroboros’s body is actually safe, although some people will have some broken bones upon touching down.

Anyways, here’s Captain Orvan Misketz from Team Inferno where he’ll be leading the charge against Uroboros. The problem how to beat a giant dragon god.

That’s where one of the angels explained that the Apostles must force Uroboros to utter the word “Ouch!”, meaning that they must inflict some significant damage towards the dragon god.

Also, there’s one more element added on this game as Leviathans appeared to swallow anyone who got knocked away from Uroboros’s back.

Well then, time to find the dragon’s weak point until the dragon god groans in pain.

Fortunately, it appears that they found something that might resemble Uroboros’s weak point. Then again, I have a bad feeling that it might be a trap.

But not for Pearl Diamond though as she’s gonna punch it and find out to see if Uroboros squeals.

Unfortunately, Pearl Diamond punched the wrong weak point in which Uroboros retaliated with a bunch of lasers firing at the Apostles. I guess they need to find another weak point then.

Of course, everyone blamed Pearl Diamond for messing up not only in the past, but also this Gods’ Game. Geez, they’re taking this game seriously as if their lives are on the line.

This really angered Leoleshea for not only blaming Pearl Diamond for her mistake, but the fact that everyone is not having a great time playing the game. I mean, this game is supposed to play it for fun, but they killed the mood.

In any case, looks like the former god decided to channel her godly wrath towards whiny apostles by punching the fake weak point with her fiery fist.

And the result is quite deadly where most of the Apostles got wiped out. I have to feel sorry for those who got two strikes in their record ’cause Leshea shows no mercy.

But hey, Leshea’s wrathful strike somewhat worked as it reveals the entire body of the dragon god Uroboros. Damn, it’s not only huge, but it’s a long boy!

Also, it appears that the survivors can ride Leviathans now, but it’s temporary ’cause these large whales might retaliate if Fay and the rest stayed on top of them.

In any case, they finally found Uroboros’s weakness which are a pair of giant eyes located on its belly.

Of course, the dragon god won’t let them win easily ’cause Uroboros has a barrier that protects the eyes, as well as the ability to fire a laser that can vaporize a person into nothingness.

For Leoleshea however, she doesn’t mind getting vaporized for as long as she can deliver a punch that can shatter the dragon god’s barrier.

But there goes Leshea as she got vaporized by Uroboros’s laser. Now, it’s up to Fay Theo Philus in delivering the final blow.

Of course, he’s not gonna brute-force his way to win a Gods’ Game as Fay is gonna use his wits to outsmart a dragon god.

Oh, and Pearl’s Arise in which she teleports Fay to a safe place. So, what’s his plan to defeat Uroboros?

Well, Fay Theo Philus outsmarted the dragon god by shooting its laser onto one of its eyes. In short, the only way to win against a god is a god itself.

And so, Uroboros is finally defeated thanks to a self-inflicted wound to its left eye. You may thank Fay, Leoleshea, and Pearl for beating the dragon god.

Everyone rejoiced that humanity won a Gods’ Game thanks to Fay’s team. This includes Captain Orvan Misketz who not only praised Fay and his allies for outsmarting Uroboros, but he witnessed Pearl Diamond’s redemption.

And speaking of Uroboros, it appears that the dragon god has a human form as Uroboros wants to give something as a reward for winning a Gods’ Game.

It’s a God’s Diadem where it does nothing but grants the rights to challenge Uroboros again. On second thought, I think Fay and the rest would rather have another prize that would help them win more games instead.

Well then, I have to say that despite contemplating to quit altogether, Pearl Diamond has been redeemed as her Arise has helped Fay Theo Philus and Leoleshea in winning against a god. Of course, they still need more members in order to have more chances of winning as I’ll see you next time!

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