Mashle Episode #20

Last time, Mash Burnedead defeated Margarette Macaron using his own strength and ridiculous willpower. Unfortunately, the 3rd stage of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam got interrupted with the arrival of Innocent Zero.

Oh and he didn’t come to Easton Magic Academy by himself just to claim Mash Burnedead as Innocent Zero brought his goons to cause more casualties.

Unfortunately, one of Innocent Zero’s henchmen got cut in half. Just kidding, looks like this goon with scissors felt a strong killing intent from Walhberg Baigan.

But speaking of Headmaster Walhberg, looks like he’s ready to take on Innocent Zero as both magicians summoned their respective staves: Uranus and Chronos.

Of course, they’re not gonna fight inside the coliseum so they’ll fight somewhere else.

But before these two wizards fight, Innocent Zero summoned his army of zombies to kill innocent bystanders. They really want to burn the entire academy down just to get their hands on Mash Burnedead.

Fortunately, Headmaster Walhberg managed to free some of the powerful students and faculty staff to stop these zombies.

You have Margarette Macaron where the speedy magician can put up quite a resounding show against Innocent Zero’s goons with their sounds magic.

Also, here’s Orter Madl where this Divine Visionary goes straight to the point and pierce those zombies down. What about the rest?

Well, both Lance Crown and Dot Barrett are doing fine but they’re struggling to stop the endless horde of zombies. Unless they found the magician responsible for summoning ghouls, it won’t go away.

However, they should worry about one of Innocent Zero’s henchmen making a tower that can destroy the entire coliseum. This looks like a job for Mash Burnedead.

And speaking of Mash, he just kicks the tower’s foundation much like he plays a giant version of the daruma drop. Thanks to Mash Burnedead, the tower is destroyed as the musclehead met one of Innocent Zero’s henchmen.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that one of Innocent Zero’s men (or children) is named Cell War as he wants to take down Mash Burnedead as payback.

Unfortunately for Cell War, Mash doesn’t remember him much, let alone asking the assailant’s name who beat Abel Walker and Abyss Razor like a pulp back then.

Well then, looks like Cell War is pretty insulted that he’s gonna take Mash down even if this musclehead end up being dead.

Now let’s return to Dot Barrett where he saw a baby in a stroller. I guess it’s time for Dot to be the shonen hero that he wanted to be by rescuing the baby.

Unfortunately, Dot Barrett has become a baby himself. Don’t tell me that Dot got caught in a trap?

Why yes as the baby transforms into a hideous manchild named Sitter Baby where he reverts the target’s age until they become toddlers who can’t produce magic.

Oh and it’s not Dot Barrett who got affected as Lance Crown got caught in Sitter Baby’s age regression magic. They’re basically sitting ducks at this point but there’s still hope to turn things around.

You see, Sitter Baby’s magic has limitations where he couldn’t regress the target’s mental state, therefore it’s easy for Lance Crown to concentrate his Graviole magic onto this manchild’s back.

But anyways, it looks like Sitter Baby got beaten by one of the rising stars of Easton Magic Academy. Of course, I’m hoping that he and Dot’s bodies returned to normal.

Meanwhile, here’s Ryoh Grantz where he’s currently speeding his way to Easton Magic Academy together with his assistant. And by the way, Ryoh wants to tell a story of a legendary magician.

This legendary magician is named Adam Jobs who is the greatest dark magician in history.

Not only that, but Adam took Walhberg Baigan and Innocent Zero as his students, although Wahlberg and Zero took different directions upon learning Adam’s dark magic.

And speaking of Innocent Zero, here’s his true form where he basically turned his body into an abomination. Now why would he wanted Mash’s body when Innocent Zero transformed himself is beyond me.

Even Headmaster Walhberg is shocked to learn that his former colleague has become a demon. But wait, there’s more from Innocent Zero…

That’s because Innocent Zero casts a powerful magic spell known as Timez: The Living Dead.

While the contents of this forbidden spell will never be known, all I can say is that Innocent Zero is aiming to take Walhberg Baigan’s head at all costs.

Now let’s end this episode where Mash Burnedead just ran over a flurry of Cell War’s Carborain like a gag character. It’s really absurd to see the musclehead screwing his enemy over.

But yes, looks like Mash can take care of Cell War by himself as he simply punches this terrorist to the face.

Of course, I’m worried about Innocent Zero’s final gambit against Walhberg Baigan as I’m hoping that the headmaster survives. Tune in next time as Mashle has 3 episodes to go!

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1 Response to Mashle Episode #20

  1. momomanamu says:

    This was one of my favorite episodes of the second season just because baby Dot and Lance were so darn cute! I really hope their baby forms come back in a later episode. I wouldn’t mind getting a plushy of those two!

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