Seiyuu Radio no Ura Omote Episode #11

Well everyone, it’s the penultimate episode where Yasumi Utatane got confronted by veteran voice actress Kaori Mori and asked Utatane if she remember the time that her character she previously played got a main focus in a single episode.

For Yasumi, she remembered one time that her character got her debut in Plastic Girls and was heavily featured in a single episode. Afterwards, Utatane’s character got side-lined in favor of the main characters.

But anyways, Mori-san told Utatane that the next episode of Illusionary Mecha Soldier Phantom will focus on her character Mei Shirayuri, therefore the anime’s fate depends on Yasumi’s voice acting performance.

Man, I can see that Yasumi Utatane is feeling the pressure of making a memorable performance.

In any case, Yasumi Utatane went to the recording booth and did her best to make a stellar performance as Mei Shirayuri.

Unfortunately, despite her efforts, it appears that Yasumi’s performance couldn’t get any higher than before. Looks like Utatane has hit another stumbling block.

So while the likes of Mari Ono and Sugishita-san are telling Yasumi Utatane to get better next time, I think Yasumi couldn’t shake off the nervousness as the popularity of Illusionary Mecha Soldier Phantom depends on her performance.

It’s really unfortunate that Yasumi Utatane is stuck between a rock and a hard place, yet how come she couldn’t get even popular in the first place.

Let’s start from the beginning where a young Yumiko Satou wants to become a voice actress after gaining some support from her grandmother.

While the seiyuu business is very competitive where various players are fighting to get roles, Yumiko (or Yasumi Utatane) believe that she can make it big as long as she has support from her family.

Unfortunately, Yasumi Utatane’s career went to a freefall where not only her grandmother passed away, but various internet users are bashing Yasumi’s performance during her stint in Plastic Girls.

And with the appearance of Yuhi Yugure a few months later, Utatane’s career will become a footnote in the history books. So what’s the problem in regards to Yasumi’s voice acting?

Well according to Ringo Kagasaki, the main problem for Utatane is not about her acting skills but rather the momentum. Without the momentum, Yasumi couldn’t break the mold as she failed multiple auditions.

In any case, Yasumi Utatane will have to do something in order to stay relevant in the seiyuu business.

And that’s where the unthinkable happen: Asking her rival Yuhi Yugure for help as Yasumi Utatane doesn’t want to be left behind.

How brave that Yasumi would swallow her pride and ask for help, although I bet that Yuhi would just reject her.

And while Yugure has some animosity towards Utatane for having a different personality compared to her, it seems that she decides to take Yasumi’s offer as she doesn’t want being lonely at the top. Oh and without Yasumi around, Yuhi might become even more vulnerable if she got hit with another scandal.

Anyways, I’ll see you next time where I pray that Yasumi Utatane will make a lasting impression on the climactic episode of Illusionary Mecha Soldier Phantom. Otherwise, Yasumi’s seiyuu career will be relegated to obscurity.

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