Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf Episodes #11 – #13

Let’s begin with Marten Liebert, an employee from the Remerio Trading Company where he’ll be responsible for smuggling gold nuggets into Ruvinheigen without being detected by the Church.

And here’s Nora Arendt where she’ll help Kraft Lawrence, Holo, and Marten Liebert in smuggling gold using her flock of sheep. Oh yes, and she’ll protect them from wolves thanks to her pet dog Enek.

Of course, while I’m hoping that Nora will be paid handsomely once they successfully smuggled some gold nuggets to pay off Lawrence’s debt, I have a bad feeling that the Remerio Trading Company would do something stupid later on.

By the way, here’s Holo where she’s having a casual talk with Nora. Sure that she’s a wolf deity but Holo needs to be careful in exposing herself, especially Enek where Nora’s dog is keeping an eye on the wise wolf.

Anyways, Marten Liebert got the goods as it’s time to return to Ruvinheigen without being spotted. While they have to be on their guard against the clergymen or even opportunistic bandits…

Turns out that Holo and the rest will have to deal with a pack of wolves, although the wise wolf will take care of those runts since Holo can make them tremble with fear.

Unfortunately, dealing a pack of wolves is just one problem as Holo will have to deal with a giant wolf that’s clearly in a bad mood.

In any case, looks like Marten Liebert and Nora Arendt will have to go ahead and deliver the gold nuggets as Holo and Kraft Lawrence will take care of the wolves.

Then again, I’m worried about Nora’s safety as even though she’s under Marten’s care, the shepherd is still in danger of being targeted by bandits.

Meanwhile, here’s Holo where the wise wolf is gonna teach these giant wolves a lesson. While she’s gonna transform into a giant wolf soon, I’m curious if Holo can tame a brethren while being in her human form.

Of course, we’ll never know if Holo succeeds in stopping a pack of giant wolves as she’s gonna take care of them off-screen.

Now let’s go back to Kraft Lawrence where he confronted some hunters from the Remerio Trading Company. Glad that Lawrence is finally rescued.

Actually, I take it back as the hunters beat Kraft Lawrence into a pulp, leaving the merchant to die. Geez, I won’t forgive this treachery!

Good thing Holo managed to find Kraft Lawrence taking care of those wolves, although she doesn’t like her partner having bruises. Looks like the wise wolf is gonna pay those traitors back.

And this time, Holo transforms into a giant wolf where she’s not only gonna punish those hunters from the Remerio Trading Company, but the wise wolf is gonna rescue Nora Arendt as the shepherd is in danger of being killed off.

Anyways, here’s Holo the Wise Wolf where she curb-stomps those hunters with relative ease. I mean, their swords and arrows couldn’t do much against a giant wolf. Now where’s Nora Arendt?

Oh, it appears that the shepherd is fine but Nora won’t take the giant wolf lightly as she’ll defend her sheep with all her might. Oh, and let’s not forget that Nora has Enek at her side.

Luckily for Nora Arendt, the shepherd won’t have to deal with a giant wolf as Holo went straight to Marten Liebert instead.

And speaking of Marten Liebert, he’s not the one who ordered his men to beat Kraft Lawrence until he’s dead. Okay, so Mr. Remerio is the one who ordered the hit on Lawrence.

Well then, it’s time for Marten Liebert to experience having his leg getting stomped by Holo. That’s gonna hurt!

And here’s Lawrence punching Mr. Liebert for good measure. Now, it’s time for the elephant in the room which is the gold nuggets.

Oh, this is pretty grim as it turns out that Marten Liebert only secured a hundred golden nuggets which is barely enough for Kraft Lawrence to pay off his debt.

Of course, the Remerio Trading Company plans to take the gold by themselves instead of helping a debt-ridden merchant like Lawrence. What douchebags they are!

So, the only course of action will be for Kraft Lawrence to sell the smuggled gold for 500 Lumione coins to the Remerio Trading Company.

Then again, Mr. Remerio doesn’t have enough money to buy some illicit golden nuggets so he’ll have to borrow some money from the Rowen Merchant Association in order to buy them.

Oh and one more thing, the Remerio Trading Company will have to pay the Rowen Merchant Association in the span of 10 years.

But on the plus side though, the Rowen Merchant Association managed to buy off Kraft Lawrence’s debt and he’ll gain a hundred Lumione coins once Remerio Trading Company paid their dues. Nothing valuable was lost for this merchant!

One more thing, Nora Arendt will get a share of the profit as she did a great job of protecting Kraft Lawrence and his crew from stray wolves. Anyways, it’s time for a feast at the local pub!

Except that Holo is not feeling well today as she’s pretty tired of fighting off against wolves and hunters.

Oh yes, and Holo is feeling jealous that her partner Lawrence is flirting with Nora recently so things are not looking good for the wise wolf.

And speaking of the wise wolf, Holo is having strange dreams lately where she saw many people throughout her life, although this one might be some kind of foreshadowing.

But anyways, Holo has recovered where Lawrence is nursing the wise wolf back to health. C’mon, he doesn’t want his client getting sick as the merchant promised to take Holo to her hometown.

Oh yeah, looks like Kraft Lawrence is feeding some healthy foods to the wise wolf until Holo can finally stand on her own two feet. Really happy to see the merchant taking care of his partner.

Unfortunately, Holo couldn’t get over her jealousy towards Nora Arendt as she slumps over to her bed. Just kidding, I think the wise wolf is not feeling jealous towards the shepherd as Lawrence sees Nora as a friend, not a romantic interest.

Anyways, we’ve finally reached the halfway point of Spice and Wolf and while Nora will pop-up somewhere as a cameo, Holo and Kraft Lawrence’s journey towards the north continues. Expect some perilous challenges along the way as I’ll see you next time!

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