Mashle Episode #07

Well everyone, looks like Mash Burnedead will have to deal with one of Abel Walker’s puppets as the leader of the Lang House wants to get his gold coin.

However, Mash made a suplex towards this puppet with his own two legs. It goes to show that he can overpower everything!

Oh yeah, it appears that the puppet got detached from its strings where it transforms into… Silva Iron? Wait, did Mash Burnedead accidentally rescued someone?

On the other hand, looks like Abel Walker brought one of the big guns where this giant puppet restrained Mash…

…and basically stole his gold coin as Abel got another one. That bastard, he can’t get away with this!

Except that Mash has no time to take his coin back as he’s gonna take Silva to the infirmary. I mean, that poor boy got really shaken after being turned into a puppet.

But let’s return to Abel Walker where he finally got one of the gold coins from the Adler House…

…only to find out that Abel got duped where he got a button from his giant puppet instead. How did Mash made this impossible switcheroo?

Turns out that Mash chomped one of the puppet’s buttons, spits it towards the coin, and sucks it with his powerful lungs. Looks like the Adler House still has one gold coin after all!

Oh yeah, here’s Silva Iron where he was shocked to see himself alive rather than being confined to a puppet for eternity. Now then, where’s his savior?

Oh, looks like Mash Burnedead is toning his exterior obliques. Pretty typical for this meathead.

Despite being the enemy, Mash doesn’t want to abandon someone like Silva who got in deep trouble, especially when Abel Walker and his cronies abandoned him.

Now then, here’s Mash Burnedead where he’s gonna clean the owl nest as punishment. What punishment? Well, he previously pummeled Lloyd Cavill and Vice-Principal Farman into submission.

While it’s better than being expelled, Mash is basically a big target to elitists, especially from the Lang House.

And sadly, it appears that someone sink Mash into the bottom of the sea. I bet that one of them Lang House members decided to take Mash out.

Okay, make it two as Shinri Anser and Olore Andrew have arrived to steal their only gold coin. Why? ‘Cause they don’t deserve to have one!

Now then, Olore will take care of Mash as he goes underwater. As for Shinri, he’ll beat and humiliate Lance Crown by any means.

And that’s throwing a large shuriken at him. While Lance wants to go all out, he can’t ’cause Lance might kill those owls inside the house.

Fortunately, Lance Crown managed to stop Shinri Anser with his Graviole magic spell while saving the owls from getting caught with his magic. One Lang House wizard down, another one to go.

And here’s Olore Andrew where he transformed into a menacing shark. Oh noes, looks like Mash has no chance of beating-

Oh shit, he just beat Olore Andrew with a freestyle stroke. It’s more like punching underwater from the looks of it but still, Mash overpowers one of the Lang House magicians.

And with that, the Adler House got two gold coins as a result. All I can say is that they’ll have an easy time beating Abel Walker and his cronies.

On second thought, I have to say that they can’t beat the Lang House so easily as Mash noticed that another member has arrived.

Not only that, but this magician managed to teleport to safety. Damn, Mash Burnedead almost landed a clean hit!

Anyways, this masked man belongs to the Lang House as he’s gonna collect both Olore Andrew and Shinri Anser.

Of course, I have a feeling that Abel will turn both Shinri and Olore into puppets for their failures. C’mon, he’s pretty unforgiving!

Well then, looks like this masked man will bid farewell, but he’ll return to take Mash out ’cause he’s pretty interested towards the meathead. Not in a sexual way though!

And speaking of the masked man, it appears that his mask got some cracks. Well, seems that Mash somewhat landed a hit towards this mysterious wizard!

Anyways, we’ll find out this man’s name next time as the Lang House is getting serious in stealing all of the gold coins until one of its members become a Divine Visionary.

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