Liar Liar Episode #03

Well everyone, I introduce you to Seiran Kugasaki, the so-called Emperor and the leader of the Holy Knight Brigade as he interrupts the confrontation between Hiroto Shinohara and Sarasa Saionji.

But rather than taking both of them down, Seiran decides to target Hiroto for defeating Sarasa in their previous duel, although Saionji is the one at fault for being unlucky and a klutz. In any case, Kugasaki is here for revenge to reclaim the dignity of the goddess by taking down Shinohara.

Now then, here’s both Sarasa Saionji and Hiroto Shinohara where they meet up in secret. I mean, they don’t want to be seen by everyone, including Seiran Kugasaki as he might get deeply hurt when he learned the truth.

Anyways, they went to Hiroto’s mansion where Shirayuki Himeji is waiting to discuss their strategy. And believe me, it’s gonna be a difficult one as Shinohara is facing a powerful foe.

Also, I forgot to mention that Himeji knows that Rina Akabane is pretending to be Sarasa Saionji. While they’re still on friendly terms, I have to say that Sarasa (or Rina) is being so distant towards Shirayuki.

Anyways, it’s time for the strategy meeting where Shirayuki Himeji explains to Hiroto Shinohara that he’ll play The Self-Made 27-Form Game where the main objective is to gather cards with the highest number value and reveal them.

While it’s sounds simple on paper, the real problem is none other than Seiran Kugasaki where he can call his army of supporters to gather most of the cards until Seiran forces Hiroto to surrender.

This is known as Emergency Mobilization where Kugasaki can call his compadres at any given time. Coupled with his other abilities like Black Wings and Numerical Adjustment, Seiran’s victory is assured and it’s gonna suck for Hiroto.

Anyways, it’s time for the main event where Shinohara is having a tough time gathering cards as most of them got hoarded by Kugasaki and his men. This gonna be tough for him!

Fortunately, there’s Haru Urasaka where she decides to give Hiroto a ride to his destination.

Seriously, I’m glad that Shinohara got Urasaka at his side or he has no chance of winning against a chuunibyou like Kugasaki.

Thanks to Haru’s bike ride, Hiroto found one of the last cards but he has difficulty in reaching it with his arms as if he reaches his hand further, Shinohara falls down.

And sadly, he fell down after getting the last card. I guess the odds are against him in the beginning!

Now then, looks like Sarasa Saionji managed to find Hiroto Shinohara as he’s still in one piece after falling down to the ground.

And speaking of Shinohara, he’s bleeding like hell. Yeah, I have a feeling that he might have to forfeit the match ’cause Hiroto might die from blood loss.

But let’s return to Sarasa Saionji or Rina Akabane where she told Hiroto that Sarasa’s kidnapping… is just a lie that she came up with. What. The. Fuck?

In truth, Rina took Sarasa outside Academy Island as the real granddaughter of Masamune Saionji wants to see the outside world. But come to think of it, I have a feeling that Hiroto accidentally met Sarasa back then in which she pretends to be a long-lost childhood friend of him.

Think about it, seems that Hiroto Shinohara might be linked to the real Sarasa Saionji after meeting her back then, hence going to Academy Island in the first place. Anyways, looks like Shinohara is motivated to continue playing the game even if he’s gravely-injured.

However, it seems that he can only gather two cards compared to Kugasaki where he gathered most of them.

At this point, Hiroto Shinohara has no other choice but to give up the game against Seiran Kugasaki as he decides to discard the cards…

…only for Shinohara telling Kugasaki that the main objective of The Self-Made 27-Form Game is slightly changed. Wait, is someone tampered the rules of the game?

Well, somebody changed the rules of the game where the Reveal Phase ends if either side ran out of cards to show. Wait, I thought the Reveal Phase ends when both sides ran out of cards to show?

The truth is that The Company managed to use the secret Rule Breaker ability to tamper the rules just a bit.

This upsets Seiran Kugasaki as his assured victory over Hiroto Shinohara got denied thanks to a rule change at the last minute.

With all of Kugasaki’s cards already discarded, it appears that he’ll have to replay the game against Shinohara.

However, Shinohara won’t let Kugasaki do it again as he shows his last card in which Hiroto kept it in secret until Seiran discarded all of his cards. God, he just played that chuunibyou like a fiddle!

And that’s the end of the game where Hiroto Shinohara managed to beat Seiran Kugasaki through deception and last-minute tomfoolery from Shirayuki Himeji’s group.

As for Shinohara, looks like he collapsed and I’m applauded on how he managed to keep himself together after losing a ton of blood during the game.

With that said, all he needs now is to take a nice long rest until Hiroto got another challenge as I’ll see you next time!

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