Genjitsu no Yohane: Sunshine in the Mirror Episode #03

Well, looks like the commander of Million Dollar as she calls herself as Big Mom. Pretty ominous I would say.

In actuality, Big Mom is the matriarch of the Tochiman Inn where she did the famous Chika Bomb before one of the customer calls her up. Anyways, let’s tackle some rampaging deer, shall we?

Anyways, here’s Chi- I mean, Katy as she jumps sky high and plays the ocarina to calm the deer down. What a badass!

While playing the ocarina works like a charm, it needs some persuasion to remove the evil fog from altogether.

Fortunately, Tommy brought an air cannon in which she can take out the fog from the deer. So far, it appears that the situation is now under control.

But, Katy got caught in the fog as Tommy and Marcy decided to help their sister out.

Except that their hands are tied when the deer attacked them. Well, seems that they can’t do anything to stop those rampaging deer.

However, looks like someone managed to cut the fog with a katana. Of course, we need to know the identity of this mysterious savior.

This is Scarlet Delta where she’s arrived to stop the evil fog from turning every animal into murderous creatures.

While she has the same objective as Million Dollar, they don’t cooperate as Scarlet Delta sees them as outlaws.

Also joining Scarlet Delta is… Ruby? Wait a minute, I’m curious on what her role is as I have a feeling that Scarlet Delta is actually someone I know.

Anyways, looks like Ruby has an ability to possess Scarlet’s bike and power her up as she and Million Dollar decides to join forces in order to stop the evil fog.

Also, Yohane joins the fray as she pick up Katy’s ocarina and starts playing it until the deer calms itself down, but it needs some persuasion to stop its rampage.

So it’s up to Scarlet Delta and Katy in stopping the rampaging deer by combining their powers.

And sure enough, it works as the evil fog is swept away thanks to their combined powers.

Anyways, looks like the deer are no longer influenced by the evil fog. Glad that Yohane, Scarlet Delta, and Million Dollar worked together to stop the menace from spreading it further.

And now, it’s time to know who Scarlet Delta is, although it seems that there are hints that she works in Numazu Administrative Bureau.

That’s right, it’s Dia where the chief is actually a tokusatsu hero. Not surprising given that Arisa Komiya has some acting experience.

Oh yeah, looks like Dia knows that Ruby exists. As expected from the Kurosawa sisters, they’re inseparable when it comes to dealing with strange phenomena.

Also, looks like Million Dollar are alright as they reveal themselves as sisters working at the Tochiman Inn.

In any case, it’s time to know what cause the evil fog from appearing in Numazu.

Fortunately, there’s an answer as Big Mom told Yohane to visit the demon lord from Washimer Island and seek some answers there.

And speaking of Washimer Island, this creepy mansion is decorated with giant penguin statues. Wait a minute, don’t tell me that a certain “Shiny!” character resides there?

But anyways, here’s the demon lord who is very similar to a certain rich girl who’s the daughter of a fancy hotel back in Love Live! Sunshine!!

Yes, this is Mari and geez, it appears that she lost her shiny attitude now that she becomes a sad demon lord who’s locked up inside her mansion for years.

Oh yeah, even her minions call her as Mari as they wrote her name and show it to Yohane. It’s better to call the demon lord by her actual name rather than the title alone.

Now then, Mari explains that the reason for the evil for appearing in Numazu is because the town is screaming or should I say that it’s experiencing stagnation across the land which would lead to certain doom.

Of course, the only way to save Numazu from destruction… is actually Yohane as she has the power of Resonance. Unfortunately, her powers have not reached its full potential as Yohane will need to meet certain conditions in order to use it.

But you know what, I think it’s best for Yohane to gather some friends and make some music together in order to save Numazu, much like how they tried to save Uranohoshi Girls’ Academy back in the day. Anyways, I’ll see you next time as I’m curious on what Yohane’s next move will be!

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