Spy Classroom Episode #14

Let’s begin with Klaus as he told Lily that the Lylat Kingdom is under threat by clandestine operations conducted by spies from the Galgad Empire.

Oh yeah, Thea and the rest are staying at Lylat Kingdom as we speak, meaning that they’ll get caught in a big mess from Galgad spies. I have to say that they need to get out of the country as soon as possible!

But first, it’s time for Thea and the rest to know this woman as she calls herself as Matilda Barbet who works as a mechanic for Mirakoff Heavy Industries.

Anyways, the reason why she approaches Annette and claims that she’s her daughter is because they got separated due a nasty train crash from four years ago. While Matilda survives, she lost her daughter until now.

Speaking of Annette, I don’t think she remember anything about her mother. In fact, she’s not interested at her in the first place. But you know something, I think Matilda Barbet is pretending to be Annette’s long-lost mother ’cause she just appeared out of the blue.

Regardless, Matilda Barbet asked Thea, Monika, and Erna to lend Annette for one day as they want to have dinner together. And so, it’s time for Annette to learned some proper etiquette in order to act like a lady for one day.

But when the day has arrived as Matilda is eager to see her daughter again, Annette is not interested in having a proper conversation.

Basically, she’s in her own world and it’s kinda bad that Matilda couldn’t reach out her long-lost daughter.

Oh, and it gets worse when Thea told Ms. Matilda that a group of suspicious people are lurking inside the restaurant. Oh, I have a feeling that they’re targeting both Matilda and possibly Annette.

So, it’s time for the entire gang to get out of the restaurant and run like hell until they shaken off the goons.

And speaking of those goons, someone throw a rock towards Thea’s right shoulder. This is pretty bad as she can’t perform her espionage duty while being gravely-injured.

Luckily, a certain Erna gave those goons a bad time when they got caught in a landslide. Looks like Thea and the rest managed to shake those goons off but why would they target Ms. Matilda.

Turns out that they’re actually debt collectors where they’re here to take any valuable items from Matilda. They already took her passport and her blue toolbox as collateral as those goons are gonna run Matilda dry until she was forced to sell her body.

You know something, Matilda is bad mother where I have a feeling that she’s a gambling addict. But you know what, Thea and the rest will help her out as they’ll take back Matilda’s belongings, including the blue toolbox that hides something important.

But in order to do that, they need to sell a replica to the pawnshop. Wait, how did they managed to get a hold of the blue toolbox when it was stolen by goons?

Turns out that Annette saw one at the pawnshop that’s being sold at exorbitant prices. Rather than stealing it, Annette made a replica upon looking at the toolbox, hence Thea is selling the replica to the pawnshop owner.

And speaking of the pawnshop owner, he’s sweating like buckets as I have a feeling that he’s hiding something. Even the Dreamspeaker herself knows that he’s in cahoots with suspicious people.

Unfortunately, the replica has been stolen as Erna told about it to Thea. But that’s okay though as Thea already figure it out that the pawnshop owner ordered the debt collectors to steal the replica toolbox.

Basically, they’re operating a sophisticated crime in Lylat Kingdom where they steal valuable items from innocent citizens and sell them at higher prices. Not only that, but they force them to borrow money by giving their passports as collateral.

In any case, all that’s left to do is to find their hideout and take them out!

And luckily, there’s one spy who can take those goons out as Monika, codenamed “Glint”, has arrived to retrieve valuable items that they stole from innocent people, including Matilda Barbet in which Glint managed to get a hold of her passport.

Of course, she’s not gonna deal the coup de grâce against those lowlifes as someone will do the dirty work.

And that’s Annette, codenamed “Forgetter”, where she presses a button that will activate some kind of gadget to foil their plans.

Turns out that Forgetter activated a trap inside the replica toolbox where it produces a copious amount of smoke until it explodes towards those goons.

I guess they got scared straight by Annette’s machinations as she and her friends have stopped a criminal organization from swindling innocent people.

Not only that but they managed to retrieve Matilda’s genuine blue toolbox, although Annette is very interested in the toolbox rather than her long-lost mother. I guess she’s interested in tinkering machines than having a decent conversation with people.

Oh yeah, what about Matilda’s passport? I’m sure that Monika gave it back to her, right?

Well, turns out that Monika has it as it’s revealed that Matilda Barbet wasn’t her real name upon checking it. In fact, she revealed to her teammates that the woman named Matilda is actually a Galgad spy.

Man, I knew that she’s very suspicious but why would Matilda tries to reach out to Annette in the first place. Wait, don’t tell me that she wants Forgetter to defect towards the Galgad Empire due to her abilities? This is pretty bad!

And speaking of Monika or Glint, I have a feeling that she might be a traitor as she worked alone instead of helping her fellow spies. It’s possible that she wants to make Thea as a scapegoat in order to hide her heinous crimes of betrayal.

But I’m getting ahead of myself here as I’ll wait and see on the next episode as they need to deal with Matilda first and find out why she wants to get her hands on Annette. I mean, Forgetter is one big mystery where she might have a traumatic past!

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