Genjitsu no Yohane: Sunshine in the Mirror Episode #05

Let’s begin this episode with Pellapie, one of Mari’s minions where it asks Yohane and Laelaps to come to Washimer Island for an important discussion.

Yeah, this regards to the ongoing crisis in Numazu as Mari shows a book where it describes the strange phenomenon as some sort of stagnation within the entire town.

While it’s written in ancient text that’s passed down through generations, the only way to stop the stagnation within Nuzamu is to have someone who possesses Resonance.

Of course, having one person who has Resonance is not enough to save a single town as Numazu needed more people who can save it from total collapse.

By the way, here’s Dia where she explained to Yohane that she tried to meet up with Mari when visiting Washimer Island, but she got denied.

Instead, Dia and Ruby received a letter written by the demon lord herself, saying that they should be careful when treading across creaky bridges that might caught them in an unfortunate accident.

Still, I think Mari should step outside the island instead of cooping up inside her castle for eternity.

Fortunately, Yohane convinced Mari to step outside Washimer Island as she finally set foot in Numazu, although she still scared that people might fear her.

By the way, it appears that a certain side character has appeared for a very long time.

That’s right, it’s Tsuki where she becomes a photographer instead of being You’s cousin. Anyways, it’s time for Yohane and Mari to strike a pose.

However, it appears that Mari is scared of facing a group of people as she can hear unpleasant noises. I guess it’s time for Yohane to help her out.

And that’s by telling Mari to close her eyes until she can slowly open them. Let’s hope that she’ll accept them rather than fear them.

Thanks to Yohane, Mari slowly opened her eyes and realized that the townsfolk didn’t fear her of being the demon lord. They accepted Mari for what she was.

And by the way, looks like Tsuki is ready to take a picture of Mari as she loves seeing her cheerful expression. Well then, time to strike a pose!

Then again, seems that both Yohane and Mari did the “Giran!” pose or that little demon pose from the original show. Even though it looks chuuni, Tsuki still got a nice shot of them!

Afterwards, it’s time to meet up with Dia where she’s really glad to see Mari in the flesh. It’s all thanks to Yohane for convincing the demon lord to head outside.

Also, looks like Ruby is not afraid in interacting with Mari’s monsters. C’mon, the likes of Pellapie are cute that it’s safe to hug them!

Lastly, it’s time for Yohane to show her musical prowess as she takes Mari to the large stump where she’s about to sing.

Unfortunately, the strange phenomena surrounding Numazu is at it again as a thunderstorm is hovering above their heads. God, they need to get out of the forest!

Anyways, I really love how Yohane is pro-active in helping Mari overcoming obstacles such as facing strangers in Numazu. Still, the only thing she needs to do is to gather her allies for a miracle that would save Numazu from destruction. Well then, I’ll see you next time!

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