Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro Episode #03

Well everyone, the night of the festival has finally arrived as the store owner of the ristae shop shows off the dancing pig in front of a large audience. I’m looking forward for Mr. Pig to bust a move!

But here’s Mr. Pig as he’s dancing while having the Dance Dance Revolution background. Let’s hope that his moves back on Earth will apply here.

And fortunately, his dance moves have paid off as the entire crowd and Jess enjoyed Mr. Pig’s performance. C’mon, it’s pretty silly, yet amusing to have a dancing pig.

On the other hand, I think Mr. Pig shouldn’t go too far like jumping high ’cause he may act like a human, but his body is still a pig. Ugh, I have a feeling that he might get injured.

Anyways, here’s Jess where she checks on Mr. Pig on where he’s okay or-

Oh wait, he got a nasty sprain in which he might have difficulty in dancing or even escaping his new owner. Man, I fear that Mr. Pig might get slaughtered if he can’t do his thing.

Yet despite the pain, Mr. Pig carried on where he danced with the patrons until they’re very tipsy. Yeah, sounds like a reasonable plan for Mr. Pig to get them sobered in order to make his escape.

But once everyone is sobered-up, Mr. Pig managed to make his escape as the ristae shop owner is scratching his head in disbelief. Now it’s time for him to meet up with Jess.

However, Mr. Pig noticed some shady business at a dark alley. I have a bad feeling about this…

Oh wait, is that the shady dude who wants to sell fake black ristae at a cheaper price? With that said, the scammer is being threatened by another dude who tells him to kill the Yethma girl.

Okay, this is really bad as Jess might get killed by the shady ristae seller. Even if she has the protection from House Kiltyrin, she’s still vulnerable once Jess is outside her master’s domain.

So, it’s time for Mr. Pig to dash towards Jess, injuries be damned! Then again, I fear that he might be too little too late.

Fortunately, Jess is still alive where she sits under the tree. While Mr. Pig wants to take Jess and make their escape, they need to do something regarding the shady ristae seller as he might hunt them down forever.

So, the only way to stop this dude is to trap him inside the storage house until the authorities can arrest the criminal. Oh yeah, and it seems that Mr. Pig will distract and immobilize the shady dude…

…by headbutting towards his legs as Mr. Pig knows that the shady ristae seller has some injury to one of his legs.

Meanwhile, the shady ristae seller retaliates, but he’s too late as Mr. Pig managed to escape from his clutches.

Not only that, but Jess lock the storage room shut, therefore the shady ristae seller won’t get out alive. Now then, it’s time for them to make their-

Oh no, did that criminal stab Mr. Pig in the loin? Oh god, I don’t want to end this episode like this… unless Jess decided to use her black rista to revive him. With that said, tune in next time to find out if Mr. Pig can make it out alive!

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