Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro Episode #05

Looks like Jess, Mr. Pig, and Ceres has arrived at Baptsaze where the covenant is located. Of course, it has become a resting place for Yethmas who were slain by hunters as Jess will pay their respects.

Unfortunately, they got interrupted by this young man and his pet dog who’s aiming for Jess. This is Naut and he’s a skilled hunter for hire.

Also, he can cast fire magic as Naut tries to aim it towards the Yethmas and Mr. Pig…

…only for Naut’s fire magic to miss and went straight to a stray heckripon. Wait, is Naut aiming for the heckripon all along?

Regardless, it appears that Jess and Ceres are safe for the time being as Naut managed to kill off the heckripon. Of course, I’m still worried that they might get killed by-

Oh wait, turns out that Naut is a good guy (for now) as he suggested to cover her collar with a different cloth. Anyways, I’ll keep an eye on this guy until the end of this episode.

Anyways, it’s time for Jess to pay her respects by offering flowers to the Yethmas who perished at the covenant, all while being watched by Mr. Pig at a distance as he’s cautious on Naut’s next move.

And speaking of Mr. Pig, he’s getting a scrub by Jess at the lake. He’s really lucky to have a Yethma as his companion, but their relationship will soon be challenged.

That’s because Naut bought a mug of beer for Jess as he has a keen eye towards the Yethma. When some guy offered some alcohol to a girl, bad things will happen.

And so, Jess got a bit tipsy as she’s taken away by Naut. I feared that he’s gonna rape her at one point.

However, Naut puts Jess to bed for the time being. But seriously, why this guy is getting obsessed towards Jess even though they just met a while ago?

That’s where Ceres comes in where she’s actually sad that Naut might leave the village behind. Why? Because Naut is planning to become a companion or a chabirone to Jess on their way to the royal capital.

But wait, there’s more as the reason for Naut’s infatuation towards Jess is because she resembles Eise, the Yethma who was slain by hunters at the covenant in Baptsaze.

For Naut, he has some regrets in losing Eise that he took most of her remains as his memento, from the collar to the hilt of his daggers which are made from Eise’s bones. Now I understand why Naut is infatuated towards Jess.

The next day, Ceres interrupts the conversation as she told Naut that Mr. Pig is accompanying Jess to the royal capital as a chabirone due to having human intelligence… or should I say that he’s a human who got transformed into a pig.

And speaking of Mr. Pig, he told Naut that he understands and speak human language, although Mr. Pig will have to relay the message telepathically to either Jess or Ceres.

But anyways, Mr. Pig decided to make a bold proposition which is recruiting Naut as a bodyguard to him and Jess on their way to the royal capital.

And speaking of Naut, he’s quite surprised by Mr. Pig’s proposition, although I have to be cautious towards this young man as he might ditch the pig and take Jess all by himself.

Anyways, we’ll find out next time if Naut will accept Mr. Pig’s proposition or not.

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