Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro Episode #06

Let’s begin with Ceres where she told Naut about her true feelings as she begged the hunter not to go to the royal capital.

After all, Ceres doesn’t want to have a broken heart once Naut disappears upon entering the capital alongside Mr. Pig and Jess.

And speaking of Mr. Pig, he has another proposition where he told Naut to return to the village once they reach the royal capital.

Why? Because Mr. Pig wants Naut to become a chabirone to Ceres once she reached 16 years old. Then again, what’s inside the capital and the fate of those who enter that place will remain a mystery.

Oh yeah, there’s more mysteries on this episode where Jess tells a story about mages during the dark ages where they fight to the death until one clan remains.

But even then, the surviving mages are still in danger where they’re being executed by the king and his ancestors. What’s worse is that their history will remain forgotten as most of the records were lost in the fire, either by accident or the king ordered to erase everything.

So much like the Yethmas, the mages are destined to be slaughtered as livestock, which is quite unfortunate as Mr. Pig won’t truly know what happened to them.

By the way, there’s another flashback where it shows Eise when she’s still alive. Oh yes, here’s Naut back when he’s just a young brash kid who always puts himself into danger most of the time.

Anyways, I’m really shocked that Eise resembles Jess albeit having long hair, which is why Naut is somewhat infatuated to Jess due to having almost similar appearance.

Oh and just to take note, Naut didn’t rape Jess in the previous episode as he might get executed for sexual assault. Of course, this is one of the weird rules in the world where Yethmas have restrictions like being barred from riding carriages and so on.

Now then, they finally arrived at Munires where Naut, Jess, and Mr. Pig will be staying at an inn for one night. But first, they need to eat some dinner at a local pub before hitting the bed.

By the way, the local pub has a Yethma collar being displayed as a trophy. Well, not really a trophy but a symbol of protection as this pub shelters the Yethmas as the collar emits magic.

Oh yes, about the collars? Turns out that they lose their luster and their magic once those collars are taken out by force. But if it’s taken care by someone who has feelings for the slain Yethma, the collar will retain its form and magic. That’s why Eise’s collar retains its divine protection as Naut has feelings for her.

One last thing, there’s still a mystery on how Yethmas came to being as while they’re trained and sold at the age of 8, their origins like how they came into this world remains an enigma. Heck, there’s no existence of male Yethmas as Naut pointed out.

Anyways, it’s time to sleep as they have a long day ahead, although it seems that Jess and Mr. Pig heard a faint voice somewhere.

Turns out that a Yethma named Blaise is asking them to save her as soon as possible. While Jess and Mr. Pig don’t want to abandon a Yethma from being slaughtered, I think it could be a trap.

With that said, I’ll see you next time where the long road towards the royal capital continues.

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