Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro Episode #07

Let’s continue from the previous episode as Naut managed to hear the conversation between Mr. Pig and Jess.

Now, rescuing another Yethma such as Blaise would be dangerous as it could be a trap. Even Mr. Pig thought about that possibility.

With that said, Jess told Naut and Mr. Pig that Blaise is located inside the church. But here’s the thing as Yethmas cannot enter any place of worship.

Now I have a feeling that there are some criminals hiding there as Naut will have to investigate on his own.

But when Naut knocks on the door, a priest came out. Then again, this clergyman is really annoyed that he’ll have to bother a hunter in the middle of the night.

Anyways, Naut asked the priest on whether there’s a Yethma inside the church in which he told the young hunter that there’s no such Yethma inside for obvious reasons.

In any case, the priest don’t want some guy pestering him while engaging in religious activities, although I really doubt that this clergyman is exhibiting some piety.

Meanwhile, there’s this man lurking around the corner, targeting Jess as she’s a Yethma. Oh snap, that’s a Yethma hunter!

Fortunately, Naut’s pet wolf Rossi and Mr. Pig managed to stop this assailant from capturing Jess, although it’s not enough to beat him completely.

So they’ll just leave it to Naut where he knock the assailant out. Would it be better if he kills the criminal unless some religion forbid him to do so?

Meanwhile, it appears that Naut managed to take care of this priest who turns out that he’s in cahoots with the hunter.

Of course, he won’t let them go so Naut decides to hand over these goons to the authorities for hunting Yethmas and using an abandoned church as their hideout. Then again, they might bribe the knights in order to get away from their crimes.

Anyways, looks like Naut found a hidden passage inside the church. I have a bad feeling that it houses some unspeakable things.

Turns out that this underground passage contains some horrible things such as Yethma body parts, meaning that this place is where hunters slaughter them like livestock.

More importantly, there’s a surviving Yethma who’s constantly praying for help. Could she be the one pleading for rescue?

Well then, there’s no time to waste as Naut destroys the bars as he managed to set this Yethma free from her captives.

This is Blaise and I’m glad that she’s alive rather than being slaughtered by those hunters. Thanks a lot, Naut!

Anyways, Blaise explains that she used to serve under House Esse, and she was supposed to travel to the royal capital before Blaise got captured by the hunters and lock her up inside the church.

Now that Blaise is finally free, looks like Naut will have to take her to a safe place. However, Blaise wanted to reach the royal capital, so Jess and Mr. Pig convinced Naut to join her on their journey.

With that said, they finally reached the Impaling Stones where it said that a mage killed his enemies by impaling them with sharp mountains.

Of course, they just cleared one checkpoint as Mr. Pig and the rest have a long way to go towards the royal capital. For now, they’re gonna camp here and continue their journey tomorrow.

On the other hand, looks like Blaise is praying to her god as she wishes for a safe journey to the royal capital. Then again, she could be praying for her fellow brethren who died at the hands of Yethma hunters.

One last thing, here’s Mr. Pig where he was asked by Naut if he’s prepared to die. But wait a minute, he’s already died once in his old world, so Mr. Pig doesn’t want to die just yet until he returns to his human form.

More importantly, is Naut planning something diabolical towards Mr. Pig? Let’s hope that he won’t betray the pig or Naut will face impeding doom in the future. Anyways, I’ll see you next time!

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