Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro Episode #08

Let’s begin with a backstory where Blaise’s master told her about the red star called Salvia.

It is said that any wish will come true by praying it, although it’s unfortunate that those who pray it religiously won’t have their wishes come true.

Now, let’s go back to Naut where he asked Mr. Pig if he’s prepared to die… for protecting Jess. Of course, Mr. Pig doesn’t want to die because he wants to know what lies inside the royal capital and its secrets.

And speaking of Naut, he wants to give something to Mr. Pig which are magic bracelets.

Much like his pet wolf Rossi, these bracelets can cast magic. For example, it creates ice magic which is useful to slow those pesky Yethma hunters down, but not outright kill them.

While I’m surprised that Naut gave some equipment to Mr. Pig, our isekai protagonist is still vulnerable as one clean stab by a Yethma hunter would kill him. Oh, and Jess won’t save Mr. Pig as she doesn’t have any black ristae.

Now then, they finally reached the Needle Woods where the royal capital is already visible, although reaching it would prove to be difficult as this forest is filled with Yethma hunters lurking around their prey.

Not only that, but the inn they’re currently staying is apparently cursed. See that black Yethma collar over there? That attracts bad omen across the forest.

Still, they need to take some rest as Jess, Blaise, Naut, and Mr. Pig will have a long day tomorrow.

Meanwhile, it appears that Blaise wants to talk something important to Mr. Pig. And by the way, Blaise’s conversation with Mr. Pig would break your hearts upon hearing it.

Anyways, Blaise told Mr. Pig that she went on a journey towards the royal capital on her own after serving the family of gravekeepers.

But along the way, Blaise was captured by two hunters who repeatedly rape her and lock her up inside the church.

This is quite shocking as she’s being treated worse like an animal, but there’s more to just being assaulted by men.

You see, the next scene made Mr. Pig shocked him as Blaise shows something underneath her clothes…

It’s a gaping hole where her intestines and possibly her reproductive organs were taken out by Yethma hunters. It’s quite disturbing to see this scene, yet I’m puzzled on how Blaise lived this long. Normally, she might die once her organs are taken out, but it’s strange that Yethmas can function without any digestive organs.

In any case, it appears that Blaise has the desire to end her life as she suffered greatly from her captors. In fact, she would rather reincarnate to a world where she can live peacefully, although there’s a slight chance that her wish won’t be granted.

One last thing, Blaise told Mr. Pig that there’s no clear entrance to the royal capital, but there’s a rumor that the only way to let someone get inside… is to appeal to the king. Is there an implication that the king wants the Yethma’s purity in order to enter the capital? It’s still a mystery on what’s inside there.

Now then, let’s end this episode where Naut is there, yet he has no clue about the conversation between Mr. Pig and Blaise… unless he heard a faint understanding about it.

With that said, this episode really broke my heart so much in regards to Blaise’s backstory, yet I fear that she’ll sacrifice her life to save Jess and Mr. Pig on the next episode. In any case, the road towards the capital is reaching towards its climax.

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