Sasaki and Peeps Episode #04

Let’s begin where two members of the Müller family are about to engage in a bloody duel. This is Lord Kai and Lord Maximillian as they’ll settle their differences through combat.

On the other hand, here’s Sebastian where the butler is talking to someone using the walkie-talkie. From the way he talks, the butler is trying to betray the entire Müller family.

Anyways, here’s Elsa where she’s not only got accustomed to staying at the Hermann Trading Company, but she’s enjoying her sweet time toying with Peeps.

Of course, it would be bad if this lady heard the starsage’s voice from the Java sparrow’s mouth should Elsa toy Peeps too much.

And speaking of Peeps, the starsage bird is pretty aware that he decides to keep his mouth quiet for the time being. Unfortunately, what comes next would shock everybody…

You see, Sebastian shows two swords covered in blood, saying that both Maximillian and Kai died during their duel. This means that Lady Elsa is the only surviving member of the Müller family.

And to further complicate matters, Sebastian told Lady Elsa that a noble named Count Dietrich is demanding to take her hand in marriage.

Not a great look within the domain as everyone feared that the Ohgen Empire might destroy their homes, so most of them evacuated. But you know something, Sasaki and Peeps won’t let that one happen.

Now then, looks like Peeps shows Sasaki the ability to fly towards other places. While Peeps is currently lifting Sasaki at the moment, the starsage bird wouldn’t mind teach the salaryman how to fly by himself.

Also, Peeps wants to show something amazing to Sasaki as the Java sparrow is about to cast a powerful magic.

As you can see, this camp belonging to the Ohgen Empire got wiped out. Wait a minute, did they encounter the enemy? This is pretty bad!

In any case, their encounter with the enemy is consequential as Sasaki-san got separated from his pet bird Peeps and he’s about to fall down to the ground.

Good thing he used water magic to soften the fall, but now I’m worried about Peeps as the Java sparrow might fight someone.

But speaking of Peeps, the starsage bird is currently fighting an enemy from the Ohgen Empire…

…which happened to be a demon. Oh wait a minute, could it be that the empire enslaved demons to fight on their behalf, or that the enemy nation is being run by demons?

Still, demons are bad and Peeps will do anything to stop them!

Meanwhile, looks like Sasaki is okay as he encountered someone…

Someone like Viscount Müller where he’s actually alive and he’s currently carrying a man named Adonis, who’s actually the 2nd prince of the Kingdom of Herz.

Now while Sasaki is scratching his head as he can’t believe that the viscount is alive, he’ll have to keep Viscount Müller and Prince Adonis alive by healing their wounds.

Also, they need to return to the Kingdom of Herz safely as Sasaki will clear the way against those demons, although his lightning magic is not enough to kill them.

Luckily, both Viscount Müller and Prince Adonis are here to back him up as they’ll kill the demons with their swords. Sounds like their escape plan is working smoothly.

But then, they encountered a road block in the form of an elite orc. I have a feeling that this monster is gonna give them a hard time to get pass it.

Okay, it’s getting worse as Viscount Müller received a kick in the gut by the elite orc. I’m worried that he might die for real this time.

Luckily, Sasaki is here to heal Viscount Müller’s wounds and protect him and the prince by creating a shield. Still, the salaryman won’t last long unless his pet bird arri-

Oh wait, Peeps is back! Then again, I have some question regarding the bird’s battle against the demon lady.

Did Peeps kill her off, or the demon lady ran away as the starsage’s magic is too powerful? We’ll never know the truth.

With Peeps returning to Sasaki’s side, it’s time to deal with the elite orc… by summoning a golem.

And as you can see, this elite orc is pretty much decimated as Peeps’ golem wrestle the monster until the orc is defeated. With that said, the threat from the Ohgen Empire is no more.

Afterwards, Sasaki told both Viscount Müller and Prince Adonis that his pet Java sparrow Peeps is actually the reincarnation of the starsage as he want to keep his pet’s true existence a secret.

Considering that the greedy nobles are the ones who executed Piercarlo back in the day, Viscount Müller will make sure that he’ll protect Peeps this time. As for Prince Adonis, I’m not sure what his role after returning to the kingdom safe and sound.

Anyways, Viscount Müller has returned to his domain safely thanks to Sasaki as Elsa is happy to see her father again.

And speaking of Sasaki, he told Marc that the Ohgen Empire is finally defeated, although he won’t tell his business partner that Sasaki and his pet bird Peeps did the heavy lifting.

On the other hand, the viscount’s sons have appeared as Lord Kai and Maximillian are actually alive. What’s going on here?

Even Lady Elsa is pretty confused that her foolish brothers survived. It turns out that it’s all part of Viscount Müller’s plan to rat out a traitor within the domain by faking his demise along with his two sons.

And thanks to his risky plan, Viscount Müller found out that Sebastian is planning to sell his land to Count Dietrich via his forced marriage to her daughter Elsa. It’s no wonder why Sebastian managed to get a hold of Sasaki’s walkie-talkies as he’s communicating with a rival noble.

But anyways, looks like Sebastian’s plan to rake in the money by selling the entire Müller estate to Count Dietrich has failed. And seriously, he could have get away with all of the cash if it wasn’t for the salaryman and his pet bird.

With that said, Viscount Müller will have to ask his butler some question as he ordered his men to arrest Sebastian. In any case, Viscount Müller’s domain is finally safe.

And one last thing, looks like Elsa thanked Sasaki for saving her father. But you know something, I think she’s planning to stay at Sasaki’s place as the noblewoman is very fond of the salaryman.

With that said, the crisis in the Kingdom of Herz is solved for the time being, but I have a feeling that there will be more to come for Sasaki and Peeps as I’ll see you next time!

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