Sasaki and Peeps Episode #07

Let’s begin at the Kingdom of Ferz where the king declares a new policy in light of the recent invasion by the Ohgen Empire: The member of the royal family who contributed greatly for the nation will become the next heir to the throne.

And everyone is pretty blind-sided with the announcement as nobles are forming factions and lending their support on which prince shall lead the kingdom in the next few years.

Of course, this change of policy has benefited a few nobles like Count Dietrich who wants to take down Müller, who just became a count recently, by any means. I mean, using Sebastian as a saboteur was a start after all.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Count Dietrich is supporting Prince Louis where that smirk on his face means that he’s plotting something dirty against Prince Adonis.

Meanwhile, there’s another incident where a horse carriage almost ran Marc and his assistant over. And it gets even worse when the carriage driver accuse them of blocking Count Dietrich’s path.

Okay, this is pretty scummy that they would accuse Marc and his assistant even though Count Dietrich almost made a hit and run crime, but something is bugging me…

It turns out that Count Dietrich is being accompanied by Manager Hermann, meaning that the manager is allied with the count and wants to take out one of his employees for being too ambitious.

Now then, here’s Count Müller where he told Sasaki and Peeps about the current situation in the Kingdom of Ferz and asked them to leave towards the Republic of Lunge for safety.

While Sasaki-san has the option to flee at any given time, he still wants to earn lots of money for his retirement in the Kingdom of Ferz.

And speaking of Sasaki, he received some bad news where Marc’s assistant wants to talk to him.

But yes, Marc’s assistant told everything regarding his colleague as Marc got set-up by both Count Dietrich and Manager Hermann as a way to take down one of Count Müller’s allies.

It’s pretty scummy that they would work together to bring down any adversary and make a profit at the cost of everyone’s suffering. For now, Sasaki will need to find a way to set Marc free.

Of course, Sasaki and Peeps can’t go to the count’s estate unprepared as Count Müller gave his dagger to the salaryman as proof.

Anyways, Sasaki finally arrived at Count Dietrich’s estate where he went to the dungeon to see Marc and heal his wounds. C’mon, he won’t abandon his business partner after all.

And speaking of Sasaki and his pet bird Peeps, the only thing left to do is tell one of the guards and pass this message to the count, saying that he should look on how much profit Manager Hermann made during the war.

Of course, the guard will twist Sasaki’s words just to infuriate Count Dietrich, but the salaryman and his pet bird will use force when necessary.

Now let’s move onto the next scene where Sasaki-san went to Joseph of the Kepler Trading Company to make a daring proposal: Establishing a trading company in Newsonia with the Kepler Trading Company investing the venture.

While it’s very risky for Sasaki to form a company in the Republic of Lunge, he’s fully-prepared to take the risk.

And speaking of Sasaki, he shows his commitment by showing his wares to Joseph as they’re gonna form a joint venture under the name Marc Trading Company. Let’s hope Sasaki succeeds in his plan to save his friend.

Oh yeah, looks like Peeps has another suggestion where they could smug- I mean, procure gold in the fantasy world and transfer them to Sasaki’s world.

Now there’s a risk that the price of gold would plummet in the future, but it’ll be a good investment ’cause gold is important when it comes to electronics. C’mon, Peeps made some research via the internet.

Let’s head back to the Kingdom of Herz where Lady Elsa wants to talk to Sasaki-san as she’s worried about Marc being incarcerated for a crime he didn’t commit.

I’m really surprised about Elsa as despite looking like a typical tsundere ojou character, she’s actually sweet and caring. But anyways, Sasaki made some assurance to Lady Elsa that he’ll save Marc.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Lady Elsa is shocked to see a talking sparrow who just teleported to Sasaki.

I guess it’s time for the salaryman to spill the beans about Peeps, although he won’t tell the Elsa that the bird is actually a sage.

Anyways, it’s time for Sasaki-san to smug- I mean, transport gold from the fantasy world to his own world as he’s gonna make a buck out of them.

And by the way, he’s gonna give a box full of gold to Shizuka Futari in exchange for goods to sell.

But speaking of Shizuka Futari, it appears that the box full of gold ingots has a perishable item mixed in. Okay, I wonder who put some organic item into a-

Wait, is that Lady Elsa!? Oh crap, she got transported into the modern world! Of course, I’m perplexed on how did she managed to sneak into the box undetected.

Anyways, looks like Sasaki and Peeps will have to explain the noblewoman about the the convenience and dangers of the modern world, all while protect her from rogue psychics and magical girls as I’ll see you next time.

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