Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro Episode #12

Let’s begin with Jess as she prays towards the stars, wishing for a companion that would take her to the royal capital. This is the final episode of Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro where it’s revealed that Jess got her wish of having a companion.

Said companion happened to be a four-eyed virgin whose soul got transferred into a pig in Mesteria. Even though she made a selfish wish, Jess and Mr. Pig managed to overcome various obstacles and reach the royal capital.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end as Mr. Pig decides to return to his own world as his role as a chabirone is over.

And while Jess refused to have Mr. Pig return to Japan, he has bigger dreams to achieve back home as Mr. Pig assured Jess that she’ll do fine at the royal capital on her own. Why? Because she’s given the lifetime opportunity by the king to join the royal family.

Well, it’s really sad that Mr. Pig will have to go back to his own world. Of course, there’s still enough time to explore the royal capital since it’s his first (and last) time to visit a place where Yethmas roam freely without any persecution.

And so, the duo explored the entire royal capital until sundown. It’s a solemn moment where Jess and Mr. Pig make some precious memories together until sunset.

Heck, they even took a commemorative photo together and it’s amazing that the royal capital has some advanced technology such as photograph.

In any case, they really spend their precious time together at the capital until the very last minute.

Now let’s move onto various characters such as Ceres where she’ll be the next girl to venture towards the royal capital. Of course, she’ll be protected by her chabirone Naut.

And speaking of Naut, he gave a proper burial to Blaise. I wish them good luck in making through the perilous journey towards the capital as Yethma hunters are still roaming around.

Now then, it’s time for the ritual where King Eavis is about to send Mr. Pig back into his own world.

Of course, he’s not gonna slaughter a defenseless pig through brutal methods as Eavis decides to give Mr. Pig a painless and dignified death.

For Jess, she’ll be saddened by the loss of a dear friend as Mr. Pig is about to return to his world soon. It’s really heart-breaking to see this moment as they went together through thick and thin.

Still, I’m hoping that Mr. Pig will safely return to his world as he has a dream to fulfil.

And fortunately, the man formerly known as Mr. Pig has safely returned to his own world as he decides to write a web novel based on his experience travelling with Jess in Mesteria.

Funnily enough, the name of his web novel is called “Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro” where it gained popularity among readers. Heck, he even got contacted by one of the fans of his web novel.

And upon meeting those fans, the four-eyed virgin realized that they claimed to have travelled to Mesteria previously. Not only that, but he’s shocked to learn that a powerful force from the north is declaring war against the royal family, the Yethma hunters becoming a massive force, and Naut being captured and was forced to fight at the arena.

In any case, it appears that while Mr. Pig’s role in bringing Jess into the capital is already finished, the story is apparently not over as further tragedies will arrive sooner or later. Therefore, the fans suggested that he should return to Mesteria and bring Jess back. All he needs to do is to have another near-death experience by eating spoiled pig liver.

And surprisingly, it actually worked as Mr. Pig has returned to Mesteria. Looks like he’ll have to experience the same ordeal as before.

But that’s about it for Butareba where despite not having some amazing animation, I’m surprised that this isekai show explored themes of discrimination and the secrets within Mesteria, all while being confined to an animal who can only use his intellect to protect Jess and himself from hunters. Aside from world-building, I really love the dynamic between Mr. Pig and Jess where they rely each other to survive and sometimes save others from peril, although I’m still sad that Blaise decides to sacrifice herself.

Now then, while I would rather have Mr. Pig writing his exploits upon returning to the real world and ending his story right there, I guess Dengeki Bunko wants to extend his story a bit further. Sadly, we’ll never know if Kadokawa decides to make another season for Butareba. Anyways, I wish Mr. Pig good luck in saving Jess and live to tell another tale.

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