Mashle Episodes #18 & #19

Let’s begin with these two magicians who are facing a powerful magician… from the Orca House.

As you probably guess by now, these two couldn’t stand a damn chance against a magician who’s closer of becoming a Divine Visionary. I’m talking about Margarette Macaron by the way.

And speaking of Margarette Macaron, he proves his superiority by breaking their crystals unopposed. With that said, the 2nd stage of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam has ended where 6 magicians qualified to the next stage.

As for Mash Burnedead, while he survived the 2nd stage of the exam, he’s getting a bit thirsty that Mash decides to make a protein shake for the next stage. Gotta keep those muscles into tip-top shape.

Now then, it appears that Mash and his friends got a Divine Visionary as their visitor. This is Kaldo Gehanna where he wants to play with Mash Burnedead.

And the rules are pretty simple where Mash must not look at the direction Kaldo is pointing at, all while dodging this black flame sword that would burn everything away.

Should Mash win against Kaldo, he’ll get a pass in the next stage of the exam so I wish him good luck!

Anyways, Kaldo Gehanna told Mash Burnedead not to look up or either sideways as he performs an upward slash towards the muscle head. God, I can’t bear to look at this-

Oh wait a minute, did Mash just jump away from Kaldo’s burning sword attack? I have no words to describe this absurd moment from the muscle head.

Anyways, looks like Mash Burnedead managed to win Kaldo Gehanna’s crazy game…

…only to get distracted by a bird who took his precious macaron. I guess Mash lost the game then.

Actually, Kaldo called it a draw where he wished Mash good luck in his match against Margarette.

Anyways, the 3rd stage of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam has finally arrived where the first match will be Mash Burnedead facing off against Margarette Macaron.

And speaking of Margarette, he’s gonna eat a piece of tempura much like how Mash eats a macaron before match.

However, Margarette Macaron’s ritual is kinda scary because he’s rapidly dipping the tempura towards the tartar sauce like a madman. Needs a “MUDA MUDA MUDA” sound byte though.

Anyways, the match is underway where Margarette casts a magic ball straight at Mash and while the muscle head tries to deflect it like a volleyball, Mash is being pushed away.

Looks like Mash Burnedead got slammed into the wall as Margarette Macaron won the battle without much effort. I guess Mash’s road to becoming a Divine Visionary has ended… or is it?

Turns out, Mash not only survived but the muscle head performed a seismic toss against Margarette Macaron. Looks like it won’t be a one-sided battle as everyone predicted.

In any case, it’s gonna be an interesting match between a muscle head and the strongest magician in Easton Magic Academy. But speaking of Margarette, is he okay?

Well, the most powerful magician decides to use his final form. By the way, Margarette’s form will surprise you…

That’s because Margarette Macaron went from being a bald magician into something more feminine. Looks like he’s no longer just a man, but a non-binary magician.

Regardless, Margarette Macaron’s new form demolishes Mash Burnedead through sheer speed alone. Scratch that, Margarette is basically speed itself as the magician snaps its finger!

But speaking of Mash, he won’t give up without a fight as the muscle head will use his instincts to stop a speedy magician.

I mean, look at Mash Burnedead where he touches the wall in order to hear Margarette’s sonic booms clearly. I’m hoping that he won’t get wrecked though!

Anyways, Margarette Macaron delivered a nasty kick straight to the wall, although the speedy magician missed its target. Could it be that Mash managed to get away?

Well, he did as Mash Burnedead appeared behind Margarette Macaron’s back. It’s crazy that the muscle head got away from Margarette’s lightning kick.

And speaking of Margarette, remember how the magician snaps its finger to make a quick dash towards Mash? Well, the muscle head put some tartar sauce onto Margarette’s finger so that the magician won’t snap its finger.

Well then, looks like Mash Burnedead is gonna win this match as he performed a clothesline towards the speedy magician but wait a minute, Margarette Macaron has one trick up its sleeve.

You see, Margarette performed a Secondth spell called Death Gong where it summoned a giant bell. Whoever hears this harrowing bell ring would die and the only way to stop this spell is to break Margarette’s wand.

Then again, summoning a bell of doom just to put Mash Burnedead down is pretty excessive as Margarette Macaron might kill a bunch of innocent students upon hearing the bell.

Not on Mash’s watch as he won’t let Margarette win via time out. I mean, look at Mash Burnedead lifting a chunk of dirt onto Margarette Macaron as the muscle head is planning to block the magician’s escape path.

And once the muscle head block the speedy magician’s path, Mash Burnedead simply pulled Margarette Macaron until he can get the wand. I’m really impressed by Mash’s brute force method to stop magicians in their tracks.

But thanks to Mash Burnedead, Margarette’s Death Gong spell has stopped, meaning that everyone within the coliseum is safe.

As for Margarette Macaron, looks like the speedy magician admitted defeat at the hands of Mash Burnedead, thus the battle is finally over.

Well then, what an amazing fight where despite the odds against him, Mash beat Margarette through sheer willpower and brute strength. Heck, even Finn Ames is reduced to tears as his buddy won!

Now, the only thing left to do is to wait for the next battle as Mash Burnedead will have to wait for his next opponent.

However, it appears that time has stopped. Oh boy, looks like someone is trying to sabotage the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam.

Also, this mysterious guy in the hood appears out of nowhere as he wants to take Mash Burnedead. Why? Because it turns out that this hooded fellow is actually related to Mash.

Fortunately, Mash is somewhat saved when Wahlberg Baigan appeared to stop this hooded fellow from doing something terrible to the muscle head.

And get a load of this as Headmaster Wahlberg identified this mysterious person as Innocent Zero. Wait a minute, don’t tell me that Mash Burnedead happened to be the son of the most evil magician in this show?

Well everybody, it looks like Mashle has shifted gears now that the antagonists are here to play. And speaking of Wahlberg Baigan, I can tell from his eyes that he’s in serious mode as the headmaster will have to deal with Innocent Zero.

Anyways, I’ll see you next time as we’re getting closer to the climax!

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1 Response to Mashle Episodes #18 & #19

  1. momomanamu says:

    I love this story arch, I thought it was hilarious that Mashle’s team starts out behind everyone else because they were such klutzs they broke two of their own crystals. Poor Fin has it rough this time, dealing with his team mates! I like that Margarette is a fan of fried shrimp, I definitely agree with that, but saying that tartar sauce is the best part? Nope, it’s proof that they are at least a little bit evil! All good natured people know that cocktail sauce is the only sauce for shrimp! (hot sauce is also acceptable). I love that the bad guy has time magic. That kind of magic always seems over powered, it’s very fitting for a super powered bad guy.

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