Mashle Episodes #14 & #15

Well, it appears that the situation within the Bureau of Magic has calmed down thanks to Mash Burnedead’s heroic act in saving a prosecutor from Innocent Zero’s machinations. He deserves a medal, right?

Except for Orter Madl where he still believes that Mash should be executed for not having magic at all. Geez, this Divine Visionary doesn’t show any mercy to Mash Burnedead.

That’s where Wahlberg Baigan and Rayne Ames stepped in to make a plea towards the Divine Visionaries in sparing Mash’s life.

I’m surprised that these two begged Orter Madl and the rest to stop persecuting Mash Burnedead as they believe that he holds the key in stopping Innocent Zero.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention about the prosecutor as he wants Orter Madl and the rest of the Divine Visionaries to spare Mash’s life. I mean, he was saved by Mash after all.

In any case, looks like the execution court has been adjourned as Mash Burnedead is safe for now. Of course, Orter Madl still insists in killing him due to his lack of magic.

Now then, it’s time for the boys… to spend their free time doing crazy things outside Easton Magic Academy. Guys, I think you’re becoming a nuisance to everybody!

Even Finn Ames is pretty concerned that having his dormmates doing something crazy in addition to wearing weird clothes might get them into trouble.

Fortunately, the boys decided to wear some decent clothes as they’re gonna buy a new wand, although Dot Barrett is pretty jealous that Lance Crown managed to get the best wand due to his powerful magic skills.

By the way, there’s a special wand… or should I say a heavy steel rod as the owner told the boys that nobody managed to pull it out due to absurd weight. In fact, it’s basically reserved for weight-lifters who can-

Oh wait, Mash Burnedead fits the bill where he not only lift the steel rod from the floor, but he managed to create a large fountain of water inside the wand store.

Well then, I have to say that the store owner decides to give this steel rod to Mash Burnedead for free.

Now then, here’s Orter Madl where despite being told by Wahlberg Baigan to spare Mash’s life, he still insists that Mash should be killed without mercy.

So, Orter asked a friend from the Orca House to do the dirty work for him…

Anyways, meet Margarette Macaron in which Orter Madl recruited him to execute Mash Burnedead. But first, Margarette softly plays the piano as he loves stimulation.

Then again, Margarette Macaron looks a bit creepy. It doesn’t help that Takehito Koyasu is playing this powerful magician from Orca House. Anyways, Mash needs to be careful against him!

And speaking of Mash Burnedead, it appears that his classmates have arrived at his house for a sleepover.

For Regro Burnedead, he’s really proud that his adopted son has friends in Easton Magic Academy, although they’re only a few of them compared to the majority who hates Mash’s guts. But you know what, let’s play some party games!

Unfortunately, looks like there’s a bit of a mishap (or a bad omen) when playing The Game of Life. Poor Mash, he can’t escape his fate of getting executed by everyone!

Now then, let’s look outside shall we as I believe that it’s getting really noisy out there in the woods.

Oh crap, it’s Margarette Macaron where he’s gonna carry the ordeal. But first, he’ll have to deal with a nosy double-liner magician from Adler House.

That’s right, it’s Rayne Ames where he won’t let Margarette kill Mash and his friends.

Sadly, Rayne is stuck between a rock and a hard place thanks to Margarette’s Howling Sounds where the notes surrounding him explodes whenever he casts magic.

Fortunately for Rayne, he has an ace up his sleeve… or should I say popped a zit on his face as Rayne Ames reveals his true power.

Turns out that Rayne Ames is actually a triple-liner magician where he’s gonna turn his situation around.

Of course, Margarette Macaron is prepared for that as he brought his two lovely assistants to play a melody for him. C’mon, Margarette loves music!

Anyways, Margarette Macaron unleashes his ultimate magic called Sounds Orchestra where he’s gonna finish Rayne Ames for good.

Except that Rayne proved to be the better magician than Margarette and his two assistants as he created a magic blast that nullifies both Howling Sounds and Sounds Orchestra.

Also, Rayne’s wand transforms into a sword staff or a Sword Cane where it channels Ares, the god of war. Well, looks like Margarette Macaron and his cronies are dead!

On second thought, it appears that Margarette and his assistants ran away as they couldn’t even finish the job. I wonder what happened to the terrible trio?

Oh, they’re barely still alive as Margarette suffered minor injuries. Had he stayed and take the full brunt of Rayne’s attack, Margarette Macaron might be a goner.

Well, it appears that Orter Madl will have to punish and kill Mash Burnedead on the spot during the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam.

But speaking of Mash, despite Orter trying to block him off, the musclehead is ready to kick some ass and take names with his muscle magic.

Then again, I’m worried about Mash taking on Margarette Macaron ’cause even though he got bested by Rayne Ames, he’ll be a tricky magician to deal with.

With that said, tune in next time where Mash Burnedead and various magicians square off in a series of tests until one remain. I wish him good luck!

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1 Response to Mashle Episodes #14 & #15

  1. momomanamu says:

    OMG, the visit to Mash’s house was so funny! I love how his dad is just happy that Mash has friends and totally ignores how crazy they act. Maybe he has realized that Mash is a little different, and it would take unique people to be his friends?

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