Yuru Camp 3rd Season Episode #07

Well everyone, it’s time for Chiaki Oogaki and the rest of the Outdoor Club to go on another camping trip in Yamanashi prefecture. But wait a minute, are they forgetting something?

Oh yes, it’s Chikuwa as Ena Saitou’s pet dog wants to join the trip instead of being stuck inside the house. Well then, it’s time to-

Wait a minute, there’s another dog joining on their trip as Chiaki is surprised on how it appeared out of nowhere. Looks like someone is messing up Oogaki’s memories of this camping trip.

Anyways, here’s Nadeshiko Kagamihara explaining to Chiaki and the rest that this samoyed is named Hanpen where it had its own You- I mean WeTube channel.

You know something, I suspect that Nadeshiko is messing up everyone’s minds as she’s reduced to a cameo appearance on this episode. After all, she already had her camping trip alongside Rin Shima and Ayano Toki.

With that said, it’s time to start their camping trip as Chiaki takes the bus alongside Ena Saitou and Aoi Inuyama. It might looked trippy at first, but it’s still a comfy camping trip.

And speaking of their camping trip, they’re visiting various restaurants before heading to the camp site. I have to say that they’ve enjoyed eating some vegetable curry.

By the way, I forgot to mention early on but Minami Toba didn’t join them as she’s busy checking their homework and preparing some questions for the upcoming exam.

Good thing Toba-sensei is working diligently instead of drinking booze like a party girl.

Now let’s return to Chiaki Oogaki and the rest of the Outdoor Club as they’re still exploring various places in Yamanashi prefectures.

Of course, they shouldn’t forget the bus ride as the girls will have a long (and sometimes scary) walk towards the camp site.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that some roads are quite windy that it’ll take a toll on their bodies as Chiaki found it the hard way.

Well then, I guess they’ll have to endure the grueling walk towards the bus stop. Otherwise, they won’t set up camp once the camping site is closed for reservation.

Fortunately, they found a bus stop where it has a hot spring. Glad that they found a place to clean themselves and regenerate before taking the next bus.

Then again, I’m worried that they’ll stay at the hot springs for a long time, thus missing the next bus.

But hey, Chiaki and the rest managed to get on the bus and reach the camping site without a hitch as they see the stunning view of the entire venue.

Now, I’m hoping that the Outdoor Club continue their camping trip on the next episode, but I don’t think they’ll do it.

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