Liar Liar Episodes #08 – #10

Well this is quite shocking as someone is impersonating Sarasa Saionji as she claims that she’s the real one. Oh and to double down her claims, this Sarasa challenges the real one during the ASTRAL competition in which the winner will become the real Sarasa Saionji.

Then again, the real Sarasa is still missing while Rina Akabane is just using her name to cover up her disappearance. Come to think of it, I wonder what the real Sarasa Saionji looks like?

Regardless, both Hiroto Shinohara and Sarasa Saionji will have to stop this imposter as soon as possible because she might be one of Mikado Kurahashi’s machinations. Yeah, the former headmaster won’t go down so easily!

Oh by the way, about the upcoming ASTRAL competition. In addition to occupying territories and eliminating teams, there’s also have to contend with the popularity system where various schools vote to see who’s the best team for each day.

Of course, they’re not gonna vote for Eimei Academy as they really hate Hiroto Shinohara for being the Seven Star student, so they’re gonna vote for another school.

With that said, the ASTRAL competition has finally begun where it takes place in an augmented reality for 5 days.

Oh by the way, Hiroto Shinohara becomes the commander for this competition, but he’ll have to perform flawlessly or Shinji Enomoto will take over the role.

One more thing, there’s another quirk in ASTRAL where players who are trying to occupy a space cannot perform any other actions as they’re in a Freeze Time state.

So once Freeze Time has ran out and successfully captured a space, they can perform any actions. It’s unfortunate that they can’t do anything when occupying a space, but teamwork is key as their teammates will defend them against opponents until the space is captured.

But that’s the first day of ASTRAL. There’s no big movement yet among the teams as they’re trying to capture some spaces before the end of the first day.

Now then, it’s time for a dinner party where Seiran Kugasaki has arrived to tell Hiroto Shinohara that his school Otowa Academy will win the competition.

Of course, Otowa Academy isn’t the only school aiming for total victory as various schools like Sakura Academy and Seijo Academy are also aiming to win the competition. Oh and by the way, Mikado Kurahashi is still controlling Seijo Academy from the shadows using a doppelganger.

Aside from Otowa, Sakura, and Seijo, there are also a few powerhouse schools like Shinra High School.

Led by the “Absolute Monarch” Touya Kirigaya, this Six Star student can overwhelm opponents with his destructive abilities and violent tactics.

And then, there’s Tsuyuri Girls’ Academy led by Senri Kururugi who can basically destroy an opponent instantly with her One-shot Kill ability, although it requires Senri to have her teammate in order for her ability to make it work.

Speaking of Kururugi, she doesn’t like anyone talking behind her back as Senri will pay for it… in the competition of course! Anyways, that’s the gist of the competing teams in ASTRAL as Hiroto Shinohara will have to be smart and deceptive when crushing them.

By the way, looks like Shinohara encountered a little girl who’s trying to get some snacks from the top of the shelf.

Fortunately, Hiroto managed to help the little girl by giving her some snacks from the shelf.

Anyways, this little girl is named Tsumugi Shiina where she asked Hiroto Shinohara to spend more time with her. Okay Shinohara, you’re committing a crime if you spend your time with a little girl.

Still, Hiroto decide to play with Tsumugi-chan throughout the night. One more thing, Shiina told Shinohara that she’s busy all day, therefore Tsumugi wants to have fun playing arcade games.

Come to think of it, I wonder what kept Tsumugi Shiina busy during the day? No matter then, looks like Hiroto Shinohara didn’t get caught for being a pedophile.

Now then, it’s time for the 2nd day of ASTRAL where Eimei Academy encountered Ibara Academy led by Kanade Yuikawa. Rather than fighting Hiroto Shinohara and his friends, Kanade wants to strike an alliance between two schools.

I forgot to mention that opposing teams can form temporary alliances in ASTRAL in order to take out the strongest team in the competition. Then again, there’s one problem…

You see, there are fears that they might get backstabbed in the long run, therefore someone decides to pull the trigger and kill everyone while their guard is down.

This is where Nanase Asamiya decided to take out Kanade’s team before they take out Eimei Academy behind their backs.

While a pre-emptive strike against the enemy is a straight-forward option, Shinji Enomoto doesn’t like Asamiya’s action as she might be the doppelganger that’s circling around the area.

Oh yeah, about the doppelganger, now known as Miss Hundred Faces, she can not only copy anybody aside from Sarasa Saionji.

If this impostor happened to be one of Mikado Kurahashi’s ploys to get back at Hiroto Shinohara, I think the biggest liar in Academy Island should stop Kurahashi from succeeding his latest plan.

Now let’s move onto Day 3 of ASTRAL where tensions between Shinji Enomoto and Nanase Asamiya is rising as they accuse each other of being the infamous doppelganger.

Honestly, the so-called Miss Hundred Faces is making terror across the board that it affects everyone’s trust, including both Enomoto and Asamiya.

And speaking of Enomoto, he decides not to compete in the 2nd half of Day 3 as Shinji is pretty much shaken with the current state of things, especially with his rocky relationship towards Nasase Asamiya.

With Shinji Enomoto temporarily dropping out, it appears that Hiroto Shinohara will become the commander for the rest of the competition.

Of course, Eimei Academy will have to deal with strong schools with just 3 members. One example will be Senri Kururugi and her team from Tsuyuri Girls’ Academy where they’ll kick Eimei’s ass for sure.

And speaking of Tsuyuri Girls’ Academy, they went head-first into attacking Hiroto Shinohara before Shirayuki Himeji protects him. Now, Hiroto’s maid would have died on the spot.

But, Himeji activated an ability called Numerical Adjustment where she just reflected the attack from the opponent back at them. I’m impressed Eimei Academy can still beat stronger teams with just 3 members.

Except that Tsuyuri Girls’ Academy still has a trick up their sleeve where they restrict Himeji with a snake. With Shirayuki restrained, Senri will unleash her ultimate ability.

And speaking of Kururugi, the requirements of activating her One-shot Kill ability is actually different. Basically, everyone got bamboozled where it’s revealed that Senri doesn’t need a teammate to activate her ultimate ability.

In fact, Senri Kururugi’s One-shot Kill will work when she’s all alone, hence Kururugi killed her own teammate to activate her ability.

Anyways, looks like Hiroto Shinohara is about to eat Senri’s powerful One-shot Kill ability as the Seven Star student will be eliminated!

Welp, I guess Shinohara can’t bluff his way to get out of this situation as he’s eliminated… or is it?

Turns out that his supposed death is all smoke and mirrors thanks to Hiroto’s secret ability… from one of the colored stars.

In fact, he’s using the elusive Black Wings ability from the Indigo Star to create illusions rather than emanating some kind of aura. So he not only faked his demise, but also captured some spaces during that time.

Anyways, a comeback is inevitable for Hiroto Shinohara as he’s about to take down Senri Kururugi.

Unfortunately, Senri won’t let him have the glory as she stopped Hiroto using Electronic Interference and make her escape.

Okay Kururugi, that’s pretty dishonorable! Where’s your bravado in beating your rival even if you’re backed against a corner!?

Well then, looks like they’ll get Senri next time as Eimei Academy survived the 3rd day, although they couldn’t get any large spaces thanks to Tsuyuri Girls’ Academy.

Also, Noa Akizuki is here where she told Hiroto that she heard about students working under the umbrella of Miss Hundred Faces. Something’s fishy going on here and Shinohara wants to get the bottom of this mess.

Now then, Hiroto Shinohara did something shocking which is blowing himself up, thus he’s eliminated at the end of Day 3 and therefore he won’t compete on the next day.

What the hell is he planning after committing suicide during the ASTRAL competition? You know that a certain Kurahashi is winning right now!

Well, about Mikado Kurahashi. Turns out that he’s actually involved in the competition as Suzuran Kazami spilled the beans to both Sarasa Saionji and Hiroto Shinohara about his involvement.

Oh and get a load of this as Kurahashi forced Kazami and the rest of Libra to let an outsider compete in ASTRAL through illegal means, be it data forgery and a little bit of intimidation.

Colored me surprised that Mikado Kurahashi is confirmed to be the mastermind behind this mess, but the question is about the outsider who can shape-shift into other students. That’s right, the true identity of Miss Hundred Faces.

Speaking of that infamous impostor, Shinohara and his friends learned the shocking truth that she’s using the United Army ability to create a large army of supporters by force.

What this means is that Miss Hundred Faces will get first place while those under her will get second place. As for those who are not aligned to Miss Hundred Faces? They’ll get last place and they’ll have their stars taken away.

Now that Hiroto knows the current situation, he has to do something to stop Mikado’s scummiest plan from succeeding.

That’s where Shinohara took a different approach which is competing in a mini-game called MTCG or Mulch Trading Card Game. Hmm, should it be Match Trading Card Game?

Anyways, it’s a simple game where players must collect cards with the highest value and apply them to their familiar in order to raise their level. Challenge various opponents until they have the right to take on the final boss.

Oh yes, players can level up their familiars via Strengthen which takes lots of time, and Exchange which is a quick way to level up a familiar by attaching coins to a card and trade it to a player. Naturally, Shinohara will take the Exchange route in order to raise his familiar faster and beat the final boss.

Speaking about the final boss, here’s Kanade Yuikawa from Ibara Academy where he’s about to take on the boss…

…using this menacing dragon in which Kanade raise his familiar to Level 33. Let’s see if Yuikawa can beat the final boss.

And speaking of the boss, Kanade Yuikawa is fighting a cute Cerberus whose level is a whopping -99. That’s beyond impossible if you ask me!

But yes, Kanade Yuikawa is easily defeated. Man, he’s all bark and no bite after being demolished by that final boss, but I want to know the true identity of it.

Oh snap, the final boss is none other than Tsumugi Shiina! Now I’m getting really suspicious regarding her participation as there’s no way she’ll have a familiar whose level is below zero.

But no matter then as Hiroto Shinohara is ready to take on the final boss as he summoned Suzuran the Lion. Sure that his familiar is cute, but will Suzuran the Lion take out the Toy Cerberus?

Actually, Hiroto’s familiar demolished the Cerberus with relative ease. But wait a minute, Tsumugi’s familiar is Level -99?

Well, The Company actually tampered the data so that the Toy Cerberus has Level 30. You may thank Ami Kagaya for stopping a game-breaking cheater with another cheat.

Now that the dust has settled, looks like Hiroto Shinohara can finally return to ASTRAL, Of course, the question is why Tsumugi Shiina is competing in MTCG in the first place, but Shinohara already figure it out.

Turns out that Shiina didn’t just enter a simple mini-game with broken data, Tsumugi is actually participating in the ASTRAL competition as the elusive Miss Hundred Faces.

Wow, this is getting ridiculous as Mikado Kurahashi go so low by recruiting a young girl into his nefarious plan, just to beat the shit out of Hiroto Shinohara.

With Tsumugi Shiina being revealed as Miss Hundred Faces, it’s time for a big comeback for Hiroto Shinohara as he’ll form his own alliance just to counter the doppelganger.

Let’s hope that he can beat both Tsumugi Shiina and Mikado Kurahashi so that he can protect his reputation as the strongest Seven Star student, but also the biggest secret that Rina Akabane is impersonating as Sarasa Saionji.

Anyways, I’ll see you next time for the last two episodes of Liar Liar. I’m really looking forward for Shinohara’s comeback in the ASTRAL competition!

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