Goblin Slayer II Episode #06

Well then, looks like the ambush is underway where the Priestess managed to protect her fellow adventurers, plus Guild Girl and Cow Girl, from being peltered by logs and stones.

Now, I’m curious on who’s attacking them ’cause it’s not like the elves are blood-thirsty beings.

So the only way to find out is for the High Elf Archer to fire an arrow towards the cliffs and see who’s attacking them.

Turns out, those goblins are attacking the adventurers from above while riding on the back of those wolves. Seems that they learned how to form a cavalry.

But this gives the opportunity for Goblin Slayer to test out a new weapon called the spear thrower or atlatl where it throws the spear faster and farther than doing it by hand.

Sadly, it’s all just luck as Goblin Slayer will have to pray that a goblin got hit by one of the spears.

And speaking of goblins, looks like they’re trying to barricade the adventurers with a makeshift dam. But nothing to worry about as the Priestess has another plan…

…by using holy magic to remove the dam until they safely went to the other side. Of course, they still need to deal with the goblin horde.

That’s where the Lizard Priest used his deafening roar to scare the goblin horde. So while Goblin Slayer and his allies couldn’t kill them all, someone will finish the job.

For now, they’ll have to set up camp before heading to the elf village as High Elf Archer is wearing a skimpy swimsuit just to play near the river.

Oh and as for Goblin Slayer, it appears that he’ll say something nice and then goes back to work ’cause his mind is all about slaying goblins.

Of course, Cow Girl calls him out for not looking at her bikini for a longer period and appreciate her beauty.

With that said, the girls enjoy frolicking around the lake while the boys stand guard from any potential ambush.

However, their camp ended abruptly when an elf soldier questions the adventurers on how and why they enter their territory without permission.

And while Goblin Slayer will try to convince this elf that he and his fellow adventurers are the good guys, I think it’s best for someone to explain the situation.

And that would be the High Elf Archer where it turns out that the elf soldier is actually her older brother. Well, I guess she’ll have to explain the situation to her Elder Brother from the beginning then.

Anyways, looks like the High Elf Archer’s Elder Brother is convinced that Goblin Slayer and the rest are the good guys as he explains that there’s a recent slew of goblins appearing at their territory due to a clash between gods. While he and his men took the rest of the horde down, there will be more to come sooner or later.

Aside from gods, the Elder Brother is also worried about a creature known as “The one that stops the waters” where he’s being told not to approach it. Some say that it’s an elephant but it could be different.

In any case, they finally arrived at the elf village where everyone is mesmerized by its other-worldly charm. Now it’s time to meet the High Elf Archer’s older sister as she’s eager to see her younger sister’s companions.

And here she is where she’s known as the High Elf Archer’s Elder Sister.

While the High Elf Archer is happy to see her older sister after being away from the village in a long time, the Elder Sister is interested in meeting with Goblin Slayer or Orcbolg as the elves would call him.

While his feats are told through songs performed by the travelling Bard, Goblin Slayer doesn’t mind about it as he’s focused on a single objective: Slay all goblins at all cost.

And speaking of goblins, it appears that some elves became victims of their assault as Goblin Slayer told the victim that the horde have been wiped out.

I have to say that while Goblin Slayer’s words felt a sigh of relief to the survivors, they’ll never return to their old lives thanks to the goblin horde.

With that said, I guess it’s time for the wedding ceremony as the Elder Sister is about to marry her cousin.

Unfortunately, disaster strikes in the village as someone took one of the tree houses down. I have a feeling that the goblin horde has arrived to terrorize this peaceful place.

But what surprised me the most is the appearance of a giant dinosaur where it’s a bigger threat than the goblins. Could it be that this creature is “The one that stops the waters” as the rumor says?

Anyways, I’ll see you next time where Goblin Slayer and the rest will be fighting another powerful monster at the elf village.

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